We were all up late one night to help Samuel finish a science project. He had to create a board game, create a cross-word puzzle and a sculpture of a famous scientist and write about his life. He started it early, but the night before it was due he still had a lot to do.
Can you guess the scientist? He did this all by himself and I was proud of him. That's one of my favorite aspects of being a mom, when your kids creativity comes out. I love it.
I was printing it all off for Samuel and this is what I see when I look over. Poor guys. :) Samuel got a good grade on it and had a good time doing it.
i used to do this to my parents, but i wouldn't start early. i would start the day before it was due, like when i was supposed to make a california condor mask for my 7th grade science project and i told my stepmom about it at 10pm the night before it was due. so we cut up on old orange t-shirt, and sewed some socks on the side, cut the eyes out. the teacher loved it so much it's still up. and that is why i still procrastinate b/c i learned i could. sigh.
It is either Einstein or George Washington Carver.
Way to go!
Tell Samuel AWESOME JOB!! That looks just like Einstein. Love you guys!
I vote for Einstein too. Great job, Samuel!
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